
レポートに際して借りてきたYariv, Quantum Electronics, Wiley を何ページか読んだ.普段から読もうと思いつつ放置だったので確かに宿題というのは教育的によい機会である.んで気付いたのだが,これは超メジャーな割にさほど親切な教科書とは言えませんね.物理的な意義の汲み取り辛い議論や唐突な各論,怪しい式変形が散見される.

This book is a quick intro into optoelectronics. I mean quick. Really. ... I kept having the feeling that the mathematical derivations are laid out to lead to the results desired, and if there have to be a dozen assumptions and approximations or skips in steps made to achieve the goal, then so be it.

... Mr Yariv style is a higly nonlinear one and he constantly assumes you know the things that you bought the book to understand. ...

This book is to the field of quantum electronics as Jackson's thick maroon book is to classical electrodynamics. ... It is a valuable reference, providing a wealth of knowledge for those who can get through it. Unfortunately, the text is brief and the derivations tend to make leaps and bounds without explanation. ... Some prior knowledge of the subject, either mathematical or intuitive is recommended before delving into "Quantum Electronics". Kinda like Jackson's book, eh? ...
