
うー,IS2006生のCPU実験が始まってしまうぞ? 全然進んでないうちらはどうすりゃいいんだ.VHDLいじる時間なんて取れそうにないし... 卒研と翻訳のために優先順位も下げざるを得ないし.泣きたい.私はこれだけテクノロジーを愛しているのに,どうして向こうはこの愛に応えて私の前に降りてきてくれないのか.これは片思いの恋そのものだよ(そして自分は「思っている」だけで客観的に有効なステップを踏んでない辺りも,まさに片思いと言えよう).

Compilers are perceived to be magical artifacts, carefully crafted by the wizards, and unfathomable by the mere mortals. ...

The goal of this paper is to break that barrier. We show that building a compiler can be as easy as building an interpreter.

This paper from the Scheme workshop presents an extended tutorial showing how to implement a compiler from Scheme to x86 assembly language. The compiler is written in Scheme, obviously ... .

An important aspect of the presentation of the material is that the compiler is built incrementally, and the product of each step is a working compiler for a growing subset of the language.